
17 de nov. de 2011

I wanna rock, ROCK..

So if you ask me
Why I like the way
I playTheres only one thing
I can say to you
I wanna rock, ROCK..

oww, is rolling a small hunt called Rock Attitude .. 5L and each item cost is worth it! It has really cool things! although seeking..
oww, esta rolando uma pequena caçada chamada  Rock Attitude.. cada item custa 5L e vale a pena! Pois tem coisas super legais! bora buscar..

Hair: Damselfly
Skin: CHANDELLE - Skin Anna 2Pale - Make 4
Boots: Death row Design bootslazy 3 

Outfits: Rock Attitude Hunt 5L
Sofa: [ANCAYI] Rock Attitude Hunt 5L
Plugs: [VIRTUAL/INSANITY] Rock Attitude Hunt 5L
